Thorsten Niedner, WSDE
Nursing staff are in demand like never before. A projection by Barmer shows that there will be a shortage of 180,000 nurses by 2030. But what does this mean for the future of the care sector and recruiting?
Sophia Pfaff, WSDE
In the world of recruitment, the rules of the game are constantly changing. Especially in the field of social media recruiting, it is crucial to act quickly and efficiently. Why is that? Let us show you a few reasons:
Marcel Jochem, WSDE
When it comes to modern recruiting in social media, there is one tool that simply cannot be missed: videos!
Thorsten Niedner, WSDE
This year we are once again exhibiting at Zukunft Personal in Cologne and have prepared something special for our visitors. You will find us in hall. 4.1, Stand D.36. We look forward to seeing you!
Sophia Pfaff, WSDE
The decision as to whether to use "Du" or "Sie" in the corporate environment goes far beyond a question of style ...
Thorsten Niedner, WSDE
In today's dynamic working world, there is a special group of people who can be particularly valuable to companies: the "latent switchers" or "passive seekers" ...
Marcel Jochem, WSDE
Some claim that Facebook is a relic of days gone by, from a time when social media was still in its infancy. But is that really the case?
Sophia Pfaff, WSDE
In today's dynamic working world, it is crucial to position yourself as an attractive employer ...
Sophia Pfaff, WSDE
The invitation to the job interview has finally arrived and the excitement is great. But this also raises the question: How do I actually prepare myself?
Sophia Pfaff, WSDE
Applicants for a new job usually have to deal with the topic of salary determination right from the job interview. Many find it difficult to correctly assess the value of their labor ...
Sophia Pfaff, WSDE
9 valuable tips that can help you improve your career ...
Sophia Pfaff, WSDE
Have you found your dream job and already sent off your application? Then it's time to wait patiently until the potential new employer gets back to you ...
Sophia Pfaff, WSDE
Tattoos, piercings and other body jewelry are no longer a rarity in our everyday lives. They serve as a means of personal expression ...
Sophia Pfaff, WSDE
"Why don't you tell us something about yourself..." - a classic that comes up sooner or later in every job interview ...
Sophia Pfaff, WSDE
To find out whether the applicant is right for the job, recruiters naturally have to ask a lot of questions ...
Sophia Pfaff, WSDE
Your CV is your business card in the application process, as it provides recruiters with important information about your career to date ...
Sophia Pfaff, WSDE
Even though online job interviews via Skype, Zoom & Co. were already being used to select suitable applicants before the coronavirus pandemic, the digitalization of ...