Already on a first-name basis or still on a first-name basis? The right approach in the corporate environment

Saarbrücken | June 11, 2024

The decision as to whether to use "Du" or "Sie" in the corporate environment goes far beyond a question of style. It influences the corporate culture, communication and can significantly strengthen the employer brand. This also has a significant impact on the recruiting process.

The "you" in companies:

Promotes openness and closeness: An informal "you" creates a personal and informal atmosphere. It can break down hierarchies and strengthen teamwork.

Addressing the target group: The "Du" is particularly widespread in start-ups and creative industries. It particularly appeals to younger talents and dynamic personalities who value flat hierarchies and teamwork.

Practical example: In many tech companies and in the marketing sector, the "Du" has established itself as the standard. This promotes a culture of innovation in which everyone can contribute their ideas freely. In recruiting, the "Du" ensures that applicants feel immediately welcome and gain an authentic insight into the corporate culture.

The "you" in companies:

Maintaining professionalism and respect: The "you" maintains a professional distance and exudes the necessary trust and respectability in certain industries.

Clear hierarchies: In large and traditional companies, the "Sie" helps to communicate clear structures and responsibilities.

Practical example: In the financial and legal sectors, the "Sie" is often still standard, as it supports a professional and respectful customer relationship. In recruiting, the "Sie" can appear more formal and emphasize professionalism, which is appreciated in certain industries.

The "you" in companies:

Every company has to find the right way to address people that suits both its corporate philosophy and its target group. Some companies even use a mixed form: internally the "Du", externally the "Sie".

Already on a first-name basis or still on a first-name basis? What experiences have you had in your company? How do you address your applicants?

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