How do I prepare for an interview at

To the current job offers

Saarbrücken | July 04, 2022

  How do I prepare for a job interview?

The invitation to the interview has finally arrived and the excitement is great. But this also raises the question: how do I actually prepare for such an interview?

The invitation to the interview has finally arrived and the excitement is great. But this also raises the question: How do I actually prepare for such an interview? To make sure you feel confident and don't get overly nervous later in the personal interview, there are a few points you should bear in mind to convince your interviewer. In addition to researching the company and the position on offer, it is helpful to know how an interview actually works.

  • The interview usually begins with small talk after the greeting: everyone present introduces themselves by name and the applicant is asked about their journey and how they are feeling.

  • Next comes the introduction, where the employer briefly introduces themselves and describes the position and their company. This is usually followed by the applicant's self-presentation, in which they should outline their career, milestones and successes in relation to the position on offer.

  • This is followed by a dialog in which questions about the position, content and performance measurement can be clarified.

  • Finally, the candidate usually thanks you for the invitation and asks about the deadlines and further steps.

It is not only important to prepare the content, body language also plays a decisive role during the interview: an upright posture, body tension, slow movements and a calm voice radiate self-confidence. This is best practiced at home in front of the mirror. The dress code should always match the respective industry - it is important that you feel comfortable in your outfit and do not "dress up". Nevertheless, it is better to appear overdressed than underdressed. So if you make sure you are well prepared, you will soon have your dream job in the bag! 

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