Piercings, tattoos & co. - body jewelry in the job interview

To the current job offers

Saarbrücken | August 02, 2022

Piercings, tattoos & co. - body jewelry in the job interview

Tattoos, piercings and other body jewelry are no longer a rarity in our everyday lives. They serve as a means of personal expression and convey certain messages. Even though body jewelry is a private matter and is not a problem in most jobs, it can cause potential for conflict, especially with conservative employers.

Body jewelry in the job interview

The basic rule here is: The focus should be on your professional expertise and as long as you have not yet signed an employment contract, nobody can forbid you from wearing piercings or tattoos. If your tattoos, piercings etc. are not visible when you are wearing clothes, your employer won't be interested in them anyway.

However, you should be aware that the tolerance for conspicuous, visible body jewelry can vary depending on the industry. While body jewelry tends to be rejected in professions with a lot of customer contact and a prescribed dress code, the situation is often very different in creative professions. You can also use your area of responsibility as a yardstick here. The less you have to represent your employer to the outside world, the more tolerant your employer will generally be when it comes to body jewelry.

However, to prevent potential conflicts, it is advisable to clarify where the boundaries lie for your employer during the interview. In particular, if your body jewelry poses a safety or hygiene risk, they may demand that you remove it. This is the case in some areas of trade and industry, for example, but also in medicine, nursing and education, where it can also increase the risk of injury. So find out in advance whether there could be a safety or hygiene risk and think about how openly you want to show your body jewelry - this applies to everything from job application photos to personal interviews. Also ask yourself how important your body jewelry is to you and how much you are willing to adapt to your employer.

While tattoos and piercings are expected of an employee in a tattoo studio, they are often tolerated in other industries, albeit rarely with enthusiasm. What is certain, however, is that careers and body jewelry can be combined and tattoos or piercings do not have to mean the premature end of your career. Living proof of this is the most pierced person in the world, who comes from Dortmund and works for a large German telecommunications company ;-)


https://karrierebibel.de/tattoos-piercings/ https://lebenslauf.net/piercing-tattoo-bewerbung

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